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Christian Discipleship—A Key Component of Spiritual Growth

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Christian Discipleship—A Key Component of Spiritual Growth

What Is Christian Discipleship and Why Is It Important? 

Christian discipleship is a central theme throughout the Bible, especially in the life of Jesus. It involves living life with other believers, holding one another accountable for growing closer to God, walking in truth, and developing godly character. Discipleship can occur both organically and strategically.

Organic discipleship typically happens in peer-to-peer relationships, where one person chooses to confide in a close friend, seeking input and advice. It can also occur on any given day when someone chooses to bring an encouragement or challenge to another even though the other did not specifically ask for it. 

Structural discipleship, on the other hand, usually involves intentional, consistent meetings between individuals who have committed to each other’s growth. In this context, one person takes on the role of a mentor, intentionally guiding the other to a higher standard of living, offering encouragement, and providing clarity and direction when needed. 

Those who have agreed to discipline others have the authority to call them out and call them to a higher standard of Christian living. In this type of Christian discipleship, goals and expectations are often set at the beginning of the journey to guide improvement and growth.

Can people be discipled by more than one person? 

Of course! Any believer can lovingly challenge another to help them grow. This is one of the beautiful aspects of the Christian faith—constant community and the opportunity to grow alongside other believers. However, having one specific person walking with you is often more intentional and encouraging.

Without Christian discipleship and accountability, it can be all too easy to drift away from the Lord, allowing hidden secrets and sin to take root in our lives. Discipleship is essential for living a holy, faith-filled life, continually being fueled by the faith of others as we walk closely with Jesus. The process of discipleship doesn’t always happen overnight, but as you build trust and grow with others, you may find yourself longing for it more and more.

What Is the True Meaning of Christian Discipleship?                   

The true meaning of Christian discipleship is to make us more like Jesus and deepen our relationship with Him. Imagine you’re trying to get to know someone new, and a close friend of theirs tells you, “This is everything I can tell you about how to get to know this person, and here are some things they love.” With that insight, you’ll be set up for success. As you continue to spend time with that person, you’ll naturally begin to talk, walk, and reflect on their character in your own life.

We see through the Trinity that God values relationships! He Himself does not choose a life of loneliness or isolation, so why would He desire that for us? We believe it is God’s heart to live in community and walk with one another as we grow in Him.

In addition to the example of the Trinity, Jesus Himself provides a powerful model for discipleship. Not only did He teach in temples and on platforms, but He also lived out the things He taught. That is the best kind of discipler—one who practices what they preach.

At YWAM Lancaster, we view discipleship as a lifelong process and understand that, no matter your age, there is always an invitation for transformation in the Lord. Spiritual growth never ends. It is part of our mission as we seek to fulfill the Great Commission

For lasting missional impact, discipleship is almost essential, as it ensures that growth is sustained. This is why, within our schools and staff, we have mentors. No one goes without discipleship, because we’ve learned from the life of Jesus just how much impact it can have on someone’s life.

Christian Discipleship In YWAM and Its Role in Spiritual Growth             

When it comes to areas of growth, guardrails and roadmaps are always helpful tools for success. YWAM Lancaster views Christian discipleship as more than just basic mentorship—it encompasses several key components. There are many different elements of discipleship that help break things down into practical goals and provide tangible growth.

Core Components of Christian Discipleship                            

Spending Time in the Word. 

In addition to running various Bible schools, YWAM encourages both staff and students to spend time in the Word daily, seeking God through what He has written and done throughout history. Who better to disciple us than God Himself?!

Hebrews 4:12 says, “For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.”

2 Timothy 3:16-17 also says, “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness.”

Therefore, the Word of God is capable of doing far more in us than anything we could try to figure out on our own. 

Prayer and Worship. 

At any given YWAM campus around the world, you will likely find a value for prayer and worship. While this value may be expressed in different ways and at varying levels, it is present in all YWAM communities. 

As we seek the face of God’s will on earth and join in the worship of heaven, our hearts naturally desire to become more like Him. Through worship and prayer, you may find yourself being transformed into the image of God.

Obedience and Trust. 

YWAM places a high value on obedience to the Lord. This can range from simple acts, like giving away your favorite sweatshirt, to trusting Him daily for food and finances. YWAM staff primarily live off donations from the church body. 

Oftentimes, needed funds arrive just in time—or from unexpected sources. In every circumstance, we are called to obey God and trust that He will guide our decisions and provide for our needs.

Community and Accountability. 

Without community, there is no accountability in Christian discipleship—apart from the conviction of the Lord, of course. At times, we need others to help us walk in discernment. The world we live in is easily distracting and can often convince us that something is pure and innocent, even when the Holy Spirit is showing us that it is not of Him. 

This is why the power of community is so important. Community helps us walk in alignment with God’s clarity and serves as one of those guardrails, keeping us on the road to Jesus.

How Discipleship Leads to an Abundant Life in Christ 

John 10:10 says, “I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” 

When Jesus came to earth, He walked with His followers as a shepherd does with his sheep. Not only did Jesus give us life through the cross, but He also gave of Himself through discipleship—through His time, effort, and by sharing what He had with others. Jesus gifted His disciples with true life in Him, teaching them to give up the things of the world, just as He did. He showed them that a life following Him promises abundance, while life in the world will surely end in darkness.

Like sheep, we have the choice to wander away from the shepherd or stay close to Him. Our willingness to be discipled by fellow Christians is the key to a close, deep relationship with Him. As we walk closely with Him, our faith and love for Him grow, resulting in simple obedience and a decreased desire to be ruled by our own will.

The Process of Christian Discipleship—A Journey, Not a Destination     

Christian discipleship leads to growth and transformation, not perfection. We recognize this truth. As mentioned earlier, the closer we get to someone, the more we become like them. The ultimate and most important goal of discipleship is to grow closer to God. Simply striving to be “good” is not enough, because He is the one who defines what goodness truly is.

The growth that comes from walking with God is perfectly displayed in Galatians 5:22-23, which speaks about the fruit of the Spirit:

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.”

The fruit of walking closely with God is all of these things. Christian discipleship is meant to produce something new in our lives—just like growing fruit! Fruit doesn’t reach its full potential on trees overnight. There is a process and a season for fruit to grow. As much as we might desire perfection; only God can be the perfect example. Each fruit will grow throughout your life with Jesus as you choose discipleship. Through this journey, you’ll find that, over time, you become more like Christ than you once were.

How YWAM’s Discipleship Training School (DTS) Facilitates Christian Growth                                                                             

As the name suggests, the main purpose of the Discipleship Training School is to train followers of Jesus. Discipleship and Christian growth are at the core of the school’s mission. During the five-month course, three of those months are spent in a live-learn environment, as well as in a classroom setting, where students learn and grow in the ways of the Lord. Each student is assigned a mentor and placed in a small group, which helps support their growth and walk with God.

After this initial phase, students have the opportunity to travel to another region of the world, where they can share what they have learned with those who have yet to encounter the Lord. 

Their personal growth and discipleship continue as they face new challenges and step into uncomfortable circumstances. At the same time, the multiplication of disciples continues through their actions.

Christian Discipleship Training Resources to Help You Grow in Faith

If you’re looking for ways to grow in discipleship, the best place to start is by connecting with your local church. Don’t just attend Sunday services and call it a day. Make friends, join weekly prayer meetings, and participate in youth groups or young adult classes. Put yourself out there, because discipleship often requires you to take the first step.

Book Reading! Books are an excellent resource for Christian discipleship growth. Start with the Bible, looking for examples throughout Scripture of how people discipled others or walked under someone else’s leadership.

Recommended Christian Discipleship Reads:

Embracing Discipleship and its Importance for every believer 

You might reach the end of this blog and think to yourself, “Great. This seems important. But I don’t have a heart for Christian discipleship, and I’m not interested in a program. Plus, discussing personal growth with someone else feels intimidating.” It’s easy to opt out of discipleship, but remember: the things that were important to Jesus should be important to us as well. So challenge yourself to take one step toward growth.

If formal meetings aren’t your thing, try going for a walk with someone you admire. Learn about their life and their walk with Jesus. Sometimes, hearing someone else’s story is the first step we need!

Then, keep an eye out for someone who resembles the former version of yourself—someone you’d like to pour into and encourage. It’s incredibly rewarding to take your life experiences and offer advice to someone walking a path you’ve already traveled. You never know what doors God might open by simply reaching out to one person. The impact could be far-reaching, touching friendship circles, other communities, or even other nations!

Key Scriptures about Discipleship to Inspire Your Walk with Christ

  • 1 Corinthians 11:1 “Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.”
  • Luke 9:23 Then he said to them all: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.”
  • Matthew 28:19-20 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
  • John 8:31-32 To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

We’ll leave you with this: Take your personal discipleship seriously! It will benefit you and those around you. Actively take the steps necessary to receive the discipleship you need in your life.

If the Discipleship Training School stood out to you as you read this blog, click here for more information about what YWAM Lancaster offers! 

A member of the discipleship training school teaching a child how to read the bible and fulfill the great commission

Transformation happens when a community of passionate Jesus followers, led by the Holy Spirit, all walk in their identity and calling.

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The Discipleship Training School is for anyone wanting to be equipped for impact. Practical, personal, powerful, this 6-month intensive missions training will provide you with tools, focus, and real-life experience to fulfill the Great Commission.

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“… (DTS) showed me that this life isn’t just for me to live but to bring other people in this relationship with God.” 

– Kephas, 2016 DTS

“It was extremely encouraging in my walk with the Lord because my identity and calling were being solidified and called out.” 

– Kailey, 2016 DTS

“God has reminded, reaffirmed, and reoriented me in a number of areas. “Prioritizing” turns up the spiritual volume in your life.”

– David, 2016 DTS

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