
Anna James

Anna James, a missionary at YWAM Lancaster
Anna James, a missionary at YWAM Lancaster

The More You Know

Hey, I’m Anna from the Caribbean! I was born in Grenada, and lived part of my life there, and part in Trinidad and Tobago. I grew up in a home where my parents were missionaries; I saw how they reached out to so many people and changed their lives. As I grew up I always had a heart for missions, and wanted to challenge the world and make a positive impact…That’s when I realized missions was definitely for me. After doing my DTS with YWAM Orlando, I did a Discipleship Bible School (DBS), and was called to staff at YWAM Lancaster. I have a heart to see young people run after Jesus with a passion. I believe that the more they understand God’s love, the more they can love Jesus, love themselves, and love others!

I have many favorites, but one of them would be Proverbs simply because it’s so packed with so much wisdom, and I’ve learned so much from it!

I love using the NLT version because it’s easy to read and even kids can understand it. I was 8 years old when I started reading it, and it was life-changing. Simply because I understood what I was reading, and was able to learn from it and apply it to my life.

I’d probably say Colombia, the people were super friendly and welcoming. I enjoyed doing evangelism and distributing bibles to the people there. It was so encouraging to just see the joy written on their faces as they received the Bibles.

I grew up in missions so I saw how my parents trusted in God and how He used them to change many people’s lives. As a kid, I felt like God was calling me to do the same thing and be a full-time missionary with YWAM.

I completed my Discipleship Training School (DTS) in August 2022. But I grew up in YWAM all my life, and just looking at my parent’s life, it was really amazing. I grew up with a heart for missions, I wanted to help reach people from all over the world to get a passion for God.

I spent eight years in YWAM Grenada, followed by eleven years in YWAM Trinidad and Tobago. My DTS led me to YWAM Orlando and YWAM Arusha in Tanzania, Africa. Currently, I’m serving at YWAM Lancaster, PA. I must say despite my moving, and my friends being from different countries, one thing that God has taught me is that He won’t leave me — He’s the most consistent person and friend that I could ever have.

Even as a kid, I knew that I was being called into missions full-time with YWAM. I really wanted to be used by Jesus to bring a positive change in the nations. I’m not sure when it happened, but Jesus kept on confirming that I should be a missionary by giving me a heart for YWAM. For as long as I can remember, I felt complete peace knowing that this was something Jesus wanted for my life….And I knew that He was going to use me to do amazing things with Him.


Anna James

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