
Kylie Tyler

Kylie Tyler YWAM Lancaster
Kylie Tyler YWAM Lancaster

The More You Know

My heart’s vision is to see a generation rise, empowered and equipped to carry the message of love and transformation of the gospel to the nations. I have a passion for leadership development and training missionaries that are called long term to the nations. In 2018, I joined YWAM Circuit Riders, completing my DTS and since then have been able to be apart of outreaches across diverse regions of the United States, partnering with High School and College Ministries. Because of God’s divine leadership, I am now committed to discipleship, worship, and creative media within the YWAM Lancaster community. Thank you for your prayers and partnership!

Probably Matthew. To me, it is the Gospel that has carried the most revelation of heart posture towards Jesus, and activation of what our yes to Him can look like.

In ministry, I prefer the NIV or ESV. To me, they are the most straight forward and easy to understand, with also using a lot of great language that has helped me to make that emotional connection to what the Bible is and who God is.

Probably being the Send team before the Send Orlando. We got to spend a whole month mobilizing for the first Send stadium gathering and it was incredible. We got to see so many people mobilized to attend the Send, and then catalyzed from their to go into missions! It was a really impactful time for me in my walk with the Lord.

The thing that really first marked me to join missions, was a video I saw. In 2018 I saw a Carry the Love Circuit Riders video about their mission and it was just really moving from me. I remember just watching it and thinking “That’s it. That’s what I want to do with my life.” And after that, I signed up for a DTS.

I completed my DTS in the spring of 2019. My DTS radically changed my life. Practically, I learned how to read my bible and pursue the Lord in real relationship. And spiritually and emotionally I experienced SO much freedom and really encountered the Lord in a new way through learning about and experiencing the Holy Spirit for the first time.

I have been to YWAM Kona, Chico, Orlando, Circuit Riders, Nashville, Lancaster, Philadelphia and Mendocino. Each base I’ve visited has been drastically different in population, setting and heart. But I’ve loved each one. Having the opportunity to meet the staff and base leaders at each of these bases was incredible and it really stirs my faith to see how God is moving through our organization is so many different ways.

The first moment that came to mind was the Send Orlando in 2019. There are countless things I could talk about and testify on. But I had just never witnessed, or experienced the power of God like that. There was one moment that still brings me to the brink of tears when I think about it. But someone had a word about the Lord wanting to heal self harm scars. We all began to pray over the stadium to see that healing, and has people witnessed their healing, they raised their flashlights up. Over the next few minutes the stadium just began to FILL with the lights of hundreds, probably even thousands of people experiencing healing. It was incredible. I’m not sure I’ve ever experienced a moment quite like that. I really just saw the power and grace of God that day. To see His heart for His children and the grace He pours out in that tangible of a way marked my life. God is good and glorious.


Kylie Tyler

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