
Megan Roush

The More You Know

Hey! I’m Megan, and I am a Lancaster transplant—I grew up outside of Philadelphia, and when I relocated to Lancaster for college, I fell in love with it and decided to stay! I have felt called to missions since I was young and have pursued it for most of my life. I attended Lancaster Bible College, where I received my degrees in Intercultural Studies and Bible, and I have spent many summers abroad on short-term mission trips. I also worked as a social worker in Lancaster City, serving refugee populations. I am passionate about leading people—both stateside and among the nations—into greater freedom and seeing them released into their purpose through intentional discipleship, biblical teaching, and initiatory member care. I am committed to seeing young people encounter God’s heart for the nations and raising them up to be missionaries who are healthy, rooted in truth, and catalysts in their generation around the globe. At YWAM Lancaster, I currently serve in our Cross-Cultural Leadership Center, Frontier Missions, and Media.

Ruth! I love her faithfulness to the Lord, her work ethic, humility and boldness. I also love how the Lord was faithful in his promises to her in return, and redeemed her life by bringing her into the lineage that Jesus would come from.

I prefer ESV! It connects best with my heart, so it is easier for me to build bridges of understanding with someone I am ministering to when I use this version.

I loved my time in Turkey. I was there for a few months and fell in love with the culture, food, and people. I developed really strong friendships with some local Turks my age, and I was totally immersed in the culture. This experience developed a deep appreciation in my heart for discipleship and teaching, and wanting to see young people set free through believing the truth of the gospel.

At a young age, the Lord had written the nations on my heart. My dad was heavily involved in missions at my church and so growing up I was constantly hearing stories of missionaries, and my room was filled with little gifts from countries my dad had visited. I was captivated! In middle school I went overseas for the first time, and while serving there I realized that I knew deep in my spirit- this is what I was called to. I gave my yes to Jesus, telling him I would do missions; I just had no idea what that meant at the time!

I completed my DTS in 2018 at the YWAM Montana base. This experience radically transformed my life in how I view God and myself. For the first time I truly experienced the Father’s heart for the lost and decided I would give my life in seeing the unreached reached with the gospel.

In Spring of 2024, I was actually stateside, doing a Rally Tour with YWAM Lancaster. We were in an area of New York with a higher rate of homelessness. I had been asking the Lord to give me “eyes for the one”. We had wrapped up ministry for the day and when walking back to the home where we were staying, encountered a homeless man. I began talking to him, and he shared his story of abuse, loss, and addiction. I could tell this man was plagued by darkness and lost in addiction. I felt the Lord nudge me in sharing a part of my testimony where I could relate to this man, and spoke of the freedom and healing the Lord had brought me. I could physically see a veil lifted from this man’s eyes, and he made eye contact with me, and became of sober mind. I was able to pray with him, and he told me that he had recently been seeing a man in white through visions. This man would tell him that he was loved by his Father. I was astounded! I had only heard of this happening overseas. I experienced a deep part of the Father’s heart for the one who was lost, and saw the pursuit of Jesus after a child of His who was missing. I also realized and began to believe in the power of my own testimony, and the freedom God aches to give to all people, like the freedom He gave me.


Megan Roush

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